Satire (A Self Portrait)

Watercolor on Bristol
18.5” x 29.5”
This is an expression of myself and my fear of time. Although the whole piece contains vibrant colors, the objects in the piece are what shows an underlying message. The ice cream held in my hand is my existence inevitably melting away from me as my time on this earth is temporary. I attempt to mend or gather something completely out of my control and in the end I am the only one who gets hurt. The senseless smile washed onto my face is the facade I put on to comfort myself and show that I am doing fine despite my struggles. Time never waits and I find myself dripping away off the page. However, the silver lining in this piece are the flowers that grow despite the hardships and despite my fear. Life is supposed to blossom and flourish into something beautiful even if it starts out small. The temporary nature of flowers and life in itself truly capture how I feel about my own being.